Sonography Canada 0

Who We Are

Sonography Canada is THE single national voice for the Sonography profession in Canada.

Our association represents over 7,500 members by:

  • Supporting the profession through our national credentials and entry-to-practice credentialing exams. A Sonography Canada credential indicates that sonographers have met national educational and
    competency requirements of the profession.
  • Supporting the diagnostic medical sonographer through their career, by offering continuing professional
    development (CPD in the form of webinars, hands-on workshops, and our annual national conference, and other resources, such as the Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography
  • Advocating on behalf of the profession, and
  • Providing standardized policy and professional practice guidelines, intended as the entry- to-practice standard for Canadian sonographers in the delivery of safe, effective, high quality and
    ethical patient care. The guidelines are based on the Sonography Canada National Competency Profiles, national practice surveys, and review of national and international practice standards and guidelines and should be considered as a reference document for all Canadian workplace guidelines.

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