Sonography Canada 0

The Benefits of Membership

At Sonography Canada, we understand you and your profession. We are the official credentialing body for sonographers in Canada and we are the only national professional association entirely devoted to the needs, concerns and interests of diagnostic medical sonographers in the country. Our association supports your growth and development as a professional throughout your career – from the time you enroll as a student to the day you choose to retire.

Sonography Canada offers the best value for your membership dollars with unique benefits for both your professional and personal life.

Sonography Canada helps you enrich your career

  • We offer various members-only continuing professional development (CPD) resources to help you keep up to date and expand your knowledge in a variety of specialty areas: generalist, vascular, cardiac, breast, musculoskeletal, etc.
  • We offer a repository where members can store and record their CPD certificates and credit hours – our online CPD Tracker
  • We make it easy to obtain and record CPDs from learning partners like Aprende Canada and the Institute for Advanced Medical Education (IAME)
  • We publish four issues of Canada’s national professional journal: Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography with quizzes that provide CPD.
  • We publish a monthly newsletter featuring practice information and tips.
  • We offer national and international volunteer opportunities.
  • We acknowledge and reward excellence with numerous annual awards.

Sonography Canada offers you peace of mind

Sonography Canada saves you money

  • Benefit from the most competitive rates for comprehensive Professional Liability Insurance.
  • Enjoy 150+ hours of FREE continuing professional education via the members-only CPD Video Library and monthly webinars
  • Enjoy member discount rates for Sonography Canada’s annual conference
  • Benefit from pro bono legal advice from Miller Thompson when you purchase Sonography Canada’s PLI.
  • Enjoy savings with discount partners

Sonography Canada voices the needs, interests and concerns of Canadian sonographers

  • We advocate for the recognition of diagnostic medical sonography as a unique healthcare profession with recognized national competency profiles.
  • We advocate that credentials be an essential employment requirement to practice in Canada.
  • We advocate for the implementation of our national professional practice guidelines to improve the standards, regulations and practices of our profession.

Our Member Benefit Partners:

We offer our members a variety of programs through external partners to help you save money year-round. The following is a list of the partners to-date. For full details on the partnership program, you may access the information after logging into your member profile.

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