CPD Tracking System
To help you document the continuing professional development (CPD) credits you have acquired, Sonography Canada has developed an online CPD Tracking System, accessible from your member profile account, that allows you to:
- See the credits and certificates you have earned since May 2016;
- Download and print certificates of completion for all credits claimed on the new CPD Tracking System;
- Confirm your CPD triennium date;
- Confirm the number of credits you have acquired to date toward your current triennium.
Access the Upload Credits form available in the members-only section of the website to upload CPD certificates for learning activities. For any activity hosted by Sonography Canada, certificates of completion are automatically added to the member’s CPD Tracker.
Certificates can be obtained for sonography-based or relevant-to-practice activities that are either directed or self-directed. Visit the CPD Activity Categories section to learn more about these.
Members automatically receive Sonography Canada credits by:
- completing CJMS quizzes;
- attending webinars;
- viewing lectures available in the CPD Video Library; and
- attending the Sonography Canada Annual Conference.
Sonography Canada also recognizes credits obtained through other accepted CPD providers. If you complete an education activity approved by these providers, you must upload the certificate for Sonography Canada to recognize the credits.
You may also submit proof of membership with other approved credentialing bodies (e.g. ARDMS) and/or certificates of registration with a provincial regulator (e.g. CMRITO) in lieu of submitting CPD certificates toward Sonography Canada’s CPD requirements. You may upload proof in the form of a transcript, confirmation letter, email, receipt or any other official communication. In doing so, Sonography Canada is acknowledging the professional development activities members have completed to maintain their credentials and/or to renew certificates of registration.
Please note that errors made while uploading CPD certificates might not be changeable. You are given the opportunity to review your selections before you submit your certificate. Once you have pressed “Submit”, you will not be able to edit the information. Be sure to double check your selections before you upload. In the event that you are selected for an audit, you will be given an opportunity to clarify or make changes at that time.
Access your member profile account to download and print the certificates you have earned. Certificates are available for all credits claimed on the CPD Tracking System.
Certificates of completion for Sonography Canada CPD activities ─ completing CJMS quizzes, participating in webinars, viewing items in the Video Library, attending the annual conference ─ will automatically be issued. An email with a link to a downloadable certificate will be sent to you. The certificate and credit will also be automatically uploaded to your member profile account.
If you have concerns about your certificates, please email info@sonographycanada.ca.
On an annual basis, Sonography Canada randomly selects members for audit. An audit involves producing the certificates for CPD training that confirm that you have completed Sonography Canada’s triennium CPD requirements.