Carotid Ultrasound Program

Sonography Canada is pleased to announce the launch of the Carotid Ultrasound Program! This Continuing Professional Development program was created for Generalist and Cardiac sonographers who perform carotid examinations in their practice. Designed by a working group of vascular subject matter experts and developed by a team of academic and clinical specialists, this program provides a comprehensive review of cerebrovascular anatomy, hemodynamics, exam protocols, and carotid disease and treatment. Ideal for the credentialed sonographer who wants to learn, refresh, or validate their knowledge and skills in performing carotid examinations.
Learning begins with the Carotid Ultrasound Online Learning course – a theory-based series of online learning modules with knowledge quizzes and a final online challenge. This online course is now available!
Step One
Carotid Ultrasound – Online Learning Available October 2024
Knowledge Enrichment Certificate
The online Carotid Ultrasound Course is the first step in your learning journey. Upon completion of the online modules, learners will earn a Knowledge Enrichment Certificate and 15 Sonography Based CPD Credits.