Become a member

Sonography Canada is the professional association and credentialing body for diagnostic medical sonographers in Canada, representing over 6,500 members across the country.
Sonography Canada develops competency profiles and professional practice standards and promote them to governments, educational institutions, the public and other healthcare organizations. Our goal is that diagnostic medical sonography is practiced with excellence across all specialties of the profession.
Most of all, we work for you … our members. We represent and advocate for you and the value of your profession on critical issues. We deliver member services that provide value for money and that support and advance your professional practice….and, there are more to come. Please visit the “Benefits of Membership” page to learn more.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a unique profession within the healthcare system. We welcome all practicing sonographers who meet specific criteria to become members. This way, we believe we can help promote best practices and the pursuit of excellence in our profession. Review our membership categories below to determine which best describes you and join today!
Membership Categories and Fees
Membership Category | Description | Annual Fee (not inclusive of tax) | Membership Cycle | Additional Details |
Active Membership | A professional who is currently engaged in sonography practice, education and/or application of diagnostic medical sonography on a full-time, part-time or casual basis, as well as those on temporary leave (e.g. maternity or sick leave), who hold Sonography Canada credentials | $207/year | From May 1 to April 30, annually | Pre-requisites, Rights & Responsibilities |
Practicing Non-Credentialed Membership | If you are a practicing sonographer without any credentials nor registration with a regulatory body, you can become a Practicing Non-credentialed member. | $207/year | From May 1 to April 30, annually | Pre-requisites, Rights & Responsibilities |
Inactive Practitioner Membership | Recognizing that the demographics of sonography practitioners are changing, we have created a new Inactive Practitioner member category so that retired practitioners, or those who have moved into other non-practicing roles (e.g. industry, etc.) can stay involved with Sonography Canada, and connected to our membership so that we can all benefit from their experience. | $78/year | From May 1 to April 30, annually | Pre-requisites, Rights & Responsibilities |
Allied Healthcare Professional Membership | Advances in technology have made sonography equipment more portable. This means that many allied healthcare professionals like nurses, doctors and midwives have started to include point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in their scope of practice. While it is important to note that their use of ultrasound is governed by their own regulatory bodies that have defined specific parameters for the application of ultrasound, giving them the option to join Sonography Canada allows them the opportunity to access our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs. | $104/year | From May 1 to April 30, annually | Pre-requisites, Rights & Responsibilities |
Student Membership* | A Student member is an individual who is enrolled in a training program for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers that is accredited or registered with Accreditation Canada, and whose application for admission as a Student member has been approved by the Sonography Canada Board of Directors. *Note: Students are given a complimentary Student membership once their application has been provided to Sonography Canada by their educational program. | $0/year | From May 1 to April 30, annually | Pre-requisites, Rights & Responsibilities |