Sonography Canada 0

Continuing Professional Development Committee

The Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPDC) oversees the development, management and administration of continuing education opportunities for sonographers. The CPDC provides support and guidance to Sonography Canada’s CPD initiatives to ensure sonography is practiced with excellence across Canada while adhering to best practices in delivery methodology, evaluation, and subject matter expertise.

CPD initiatives include online and in-person education opportunities such as:

  • Webinar Series: monthly online training seminars focused on sonography-based and relevant-to-practice topics
  • Education Day: annual event held in conjunction with the Sonography Canada Annual General Meeting
  • SonoCon: Sonography Canada’s annual conference
  • Seminars, workshops, and online courses
  • Certificate programs

The Terms of Reference for this committee can be found here. All questions or inquiries can be submitted to or by calling 1-888-273-6746.

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