Your Q2 Membership Update
April 25, 2023Thank you to all of you who renewed your membership already! We are on our last day of renewals before the deadline, and there is still time if you plan to renew. Not only will you SAVE on the late fee if you renew before May 1, 2023, but you will also be entered into the draw to win our grand prize – complimentary registration to our in-person conference, SonoCon 2023 in Halifax! May 1, we will be doing the draw online. Watch for it on the Facebook member group!
I would also like to highlight an article that was submitted to us by our insurance provider, BMS Group. Appropriately titled, “Does Your Employer Have You Covered?” this article talks about what an employer’s policy typically covers you for, and how carrying your own policy (specifically, the one offered by BMS Group to Sonography Canada members) provides extra protection. We have versions in English and French for you to review.
Finally, we wanted to share that we will be launching regular member orientation webinars (as Susan mentioned) starting this Spring. Watch for more information on social media and sign up for one that fits your schedule!