Sonography Canada 0

Practice Exams

Practice exams have been developed by Sonography Canada as exam preparation tools to assist candidates who intend to challenge the entry-to-practice national certification exams. The practice exams provide a sampling of questions and content you may see on the certification exams but do not specifically cover all of the examinable competencies on the exam blueprint. The practice exams will also allow you to become familiar with the computer interface used during an exam.

One practice exam is available for each of the Core, Generalist, Cardiac, and Vascular entry-to-practice exams. For the sample Generalist exam, 46% of questions pertain to the Abdomen/Superficial Structures, 40% to Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and 14% to General Vascular sonography.

Each practice exam contains 35 multiple choice questions and has a 35-minute time limit to complete. A fee of $50 will be charged per practice exam. Please note: Currently, there is only ONE practice exam for each content area. Do not attempt to purchase a second exam in any area as the questions will be the same. The Core and Generalist exams are available in both English and French. All other exams are only available in English.

Once the practice exam has been submitted, a review of the results, including correct answers and the rationale behind the accurate responses, will be provided to you. Upon completion of your purchased practice exam(s), the ‘Exam History’ review section of the practice exam website will allow you to access the content of these exams any time you log into the site.

Click the link below for more information and access to the exam(s).

Register for the practice exams

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