Sonography Canada 0

CPD Triennium Program

Total triennium credit requirement = 40 credits

Sonography Based Credits:

Sonography Based credits per triennium = 30 minimum
Directed Sonography Based activities per triennium = 15 minimum

Relevant to Practice Credits: 

Relevant to Practice credits per triennium = 10 maximum

Note: Members are not required to do any Relevant to Practice or SeIf-Directed activities. These activities were included to provide a wider variety of activities which can be more affordable, accessible, and enhance a sonographer’s overall professional practice

Yearly Objective:

The objective is for members to obtain a minimum of 10 credits per year to ensure on-going learning.  This is not mandatory; however, Sonography Canada will be encouraging and assisting members in achieving this objective.

Note: Members who are unable to meet the CPD program requirements due to an illness, traumatic life event, etc., can contact Sonography Canada. These members’ will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

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