Sonography Canada 0

Message from Nancy Chouinard, CRGS, CRVS, CRCS, our Board Chair

April 22, 2024

Our first quarter of 2024 is officially at its end. There have been many items focused on this past quarter, much of which is shared in this newsletter. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wanted to thank each and every one of you, for all of your contributions, whether you are a volunteer, have participated in our Census Study, and have renewed your membership so far this year.  We truly value what everyone brings to this great association. 

I encourage each of you to Save The Date for our Annual General Meeting & Education Day.  Taking place June 22, 2024, this virtual event will be another great way to engage with Sonography Canada: 

  • We will kick it off with our Annual General Meeting, focusing of successes of 2023, welcome new board members, and providing an update on our goals and objectives for 2024. 
  • Following this, you will have the chance to earn CPD, with a keynote presentation from Andre Picard [more on that below] 
  • We will continue the day with a series of current sessions. 

As always, this virtual event is 100% FREE for members, and I am told registration opens in the next few weeks.  Mark your calendars and join us for a very special day! 

In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful weather, and continue being the best sonographer you can be. 

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