Active Membership
Instead of two types of Active membership categories, we now have only one: Active Membership
A professional who is currently engaged in sonography practice, education and/or application of diagnostic medical sonography on a full-time, part-time or casual basis, as well as those on temporary leave (e.g. maternity or sick leave), who hold Sonography Canada credentials
Hold credentials from another credentialing organization accepted by Sonography Canada
Are registered with a provincial sonographer regulatory body.
Sonography Canada credentials must be earned by one of the following approved methods:
- Graduating from an accredited program and passing the Sonography Canada entry-to-practice examination(s).
- Completing Sonography Canada’s alternative pathway for external applicants which includes an application and evaluation by Sonography Canada, and successfully challenging the appropriate entry-to-practice examinations and the Canadian Clinical Skills Assessment (CCSATM).
Being an Active member does NOT mean that someone has earned Sonography Canada credentials.
To renew your membership, please log into your member profile account now:
Sign in & RenewTo sign up, please create a member profile account and complete the membership application:
Create an account & Join Now!Rights And Responsibilities
Active members have the following rights and responsibilities:
May: | Responsibilities: |
Append Sonography Canada credentials to their name, and maintain them, if they hold them. | If you hold Sonography Canada credentials and wish to maintain them, you must fulfill Sonography Canada Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. Note that the CPD reporting process will be simplified for Active members with Sonography Canada credentials* and who are also registered with the CMRITO and/or also have ARDMS credentials. Given that there are CPD requirements attached to the maintenance/renewal of membership with these credentialing or regulatory bodies, Sonography Canada will allow members to submit proof of valid membership in good standing in these organizations in lieu of submitting CPD certificates. Should the number of CPD credits be less than the forty (40) credits required to complete the Sonography Canada CPD triennium, Active members would be expected to obtain the remaining number of outstanding credits. |
Purchase Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) at preferred Sonography Canada rates. | |
Volunteer to serve on committees or the Board of Directors, as long as they meet the specific requirements for the volunteer role. | |
Vote in Sonography Canada elections and on governance motions. |
Membership cards for Active members with Sonography Canada credentials will indicate “Canadian Credentials” followed by the specific Sonography Canada credentials they hold: CRGS®, CRCS®, CRVS®, and/or CRS®.

*If you hold credentials from another approved credentialing body only AND/OR you are registered with a provincial regulator without Sonography Canada credentials, you are not required to fulfill the Sonography Canada CPD requirements. Given that there are CPD requirements attached to the maintenance/renewal of membership with these credentialing or regulatory bodies, you will have demonstrated continuing professional education to another organization.
Membership cards Active members who do not hold Sonography Canada credentials will indicate “No Canadian Credentials”.

Active Membership Fee: $203.00
Membership Period: May 1st to April 30th
To renew your membership, please log into your member profile account now:
Sign in & RenewTo sign up, please create a member profile account and complete the membership application:
Create an account & Join Now!