Practicing Non-credentialed Membership
If you are a practicing sonographer without any credentials nor registration with a regulatory body, you can become a Practicing Non-credentialed member.
Expanding our membership to all practicing sonographers aligns directly with our vision and mission to ensure sonography is practiced with excellence and that we are able to act as the voice of all sonographers across Canada.
Our vision is: Sonography is practiced with excellence across Canada.
Our mission is: We are the Canadian voice of medical sonographers, fostering best practices and promoting the pursuit of excellence.
Individuals who are currently engaged in sonography practice, education and/or application of diagnostic medical sonography who do not hold credentials in sonography from Sonography Canada nor another accepted credentialing body (e.g. individuals who have received on-the-job training and/or have received training from a non-approved organization inside or outside of Canada)
who are not registered with a provincial sonographer regulatory body.
To renew your membership, please log into your member profile account now:
Sign in & RenewTo sign up, please create a member profile account and complete the membership application:
Create an account & Join Now!Rights And Responsibilities
Practicing Non-credentialed members have the following rights and responsibilities:
May: | May Not: | Responsibilities: |
Purchase Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) at a higher premium than the premiums paid by Active members. | Volunteer on committees or the Board of Directors. | Must fulfill Sonography Canada’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. |
Vote in Sonography Canada elections nor on governance motions. |
Membership cards for Practicing Non-credentialed members will indicate “No Approved Credentials”.

Practicing Non-credentialed Membership Fee: $203
Membership Period: May 1st to April 30th
To renew your membership, please log into your member profile account now:
Sign in & RenewTo sign up, please create a member profile account and complete the membership application:
Create an account & Join Now!