Recent Graduate Membership
A student can be a Recent Graduate member within the first 12 months of having successfully graduated from an accredited Canadian Diagnostic Medical Sonography training program. This membership category is automatically granted after successful completion of writing our exams in the form of a rebate off of your Active Membership for the first year. Applicants cannot apply directly to this membership category.
Rights And Responsibilities
Recent Graduate members have the following rights and responsibilities:
May: | Responsibilities: |
Hold and use credentials once they fulfill entry-to-practice requirements and become credentialed. | Must fulfill Sonography Canada’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements , if they are credentialed. |
Purchase Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) at preferred Sonography Canada rates. | |
Vote on in Sonography Canada elections and on governance motions. | |
Volunteer to serve on committees or the Board of Directors, as long as they meet the specific requirements for the volunteer role. |
Membership cards for Recent Graduate members will indicate “Active” plus “Canadian Credentials” followed by the specific Sonography Canada credentials they hold: CRGS®, CRCS®, CRVS, or “No Canadian Credentials”

Active Membership Fee: $76.50
Membership Period: May 1st to April 30th